You missed one of our
stockings this year,
the one for the baby
who is not here.
There were no toys
inside it,
no joyful smiles or
giggles rising up beside it,
no memories to play
over as images in my mind,
nothing but sadness
and sorrow left behind.
This empty stocking is
like the emptiness in my heart
that began when my
baby and I were torn apart.
A truck or a stuffed
animal our baby would enjoy,
A precious toy for
our little baby boy.
I remember him most every
Deep down inside I
wish he could stay.
That was not my plan
nor my story plot
Yet it is God’s job
to make us what we are not.
Sometimes God asks us
to do the hard things
So that we can find
what His kingdom brings.
Suffering and hurt
can send us to our knees
But our Father is the
“God Who Sees.”
He sees each tear
that falls from my eye,
And He is saddened
too when I cry.
Yet I know that God’s
Kingdom gains the glory
For I would never
have chosen this story.
As we walk this long
road of suffering ahead
I remember by whom I
have been lead.
Yet my son does not
need toys in Heaven above,
For he is surrounded
by God’s infinite love.
Santa, I forgot how
full his stocking already was,
Full of hope, love,
and eager expectation just because
a Savior was sent
from His Father to earth
to come into the
world through His virgin birth.
We also remember Jesus’
No other home for
God’s children would suffice.
For a Father and Son
chose to suffer alone
In order to bring all
of God’s children home.
Baby Jesus was born
to die on the cross
So God the Father has
likewise suffered loss
In order to open the
eyes of the blind
And so that everyone
on earth could one day find
The peace and love
that flows from the Savior
Simply because God
showed us His favor.
God chose us and gave
us His grace
By sending His Son to
die in our place.
So if it is possible
I have just one request,
Santa, go up to
Heaven and send our baby the best
Of the love and care
that can be provided
And someday our
family will be reunited.
On that day, when I
enter Heaven’s gates,
I will embrace my
child and say “I’m sorry I’m late.”
For in the fullness
of time, it will not matter.
Whether you held your
baby on Earth or if you were shattered.
These things will not
matter, not matter much at all.
In comparison to
eternity, a lifetime is quite small.
For each child on
Earth, mere humans do not own.
All souls belong to the
Almighty God on the throne.
So Santa if you soar
by the Heavenly skies,
Could you stop and look
into our baby’s eyes?
Tell him how much we
miss him down here
And how we wish we
could hold him near.
And before you leave
and fly by the moon,
Leave him this
message: “I’ll be there soon!”
I can almost hear
from a cloud up above
My son saying “That’s
my Mommy that I love.”