Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Beautiful sight this evening.  I hope you saw it if you live near me.  A full rainbow and the beginning of a double rainbow.  God’s amazing handiwork.  We took the girls out on the porch to see it, even though it was raining…and they were supposed to be in bed.  We were all in awe.  (My three year old said that she wanted to slide down it!)  Pictures do not do it justice, and honestly, I could not get the entire rainbow to fit in the picture!  It is fitting that God sent this rainbow tonight of all nights. 

First of all, Biblically, the rainbow is a promise from God that He will never destroy the earth with a flood.  In Genesis 9:16, God said: “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”  A promise.  And God will remember it every time He sees a rainbow.  That resonated with me.  Just prior to seeing the rainbow, I was reading a Bible story to my daughters.  The story focused on Miriam and her concern for her baby brother’s welfare as he floated down the Nile River in a basket.  One specific part spoken by Jochebed, Moses and Miriam’s mother, left me in tears: “We have to let go of all the things we’re scared of.  We have to trust that God will take care of our baby” (Nellist, Glenys. Love Letters from God: Bible Stories. Grand Rapids, MI: Zonderkidz, 2017. Print.).  Although this is a partly fictitious Biblical account for children, can’t you imagine her saying that?  I thought about the poignant and heart-breaking goodbye Jochebed would have given to baby Moses when she thought she would never see him again.  Any mom could imagine that, and many have had to do so in this life.  Gut-wrenching.  Cue the waterworks. 

Secondly, today I am 27 weeks pregnant with our rainbow baby, and we are trusting God that we will be able to hold this little girl in 13 more weeks.  To say this pregnancy has been emotionally difficult would be an understatement.  The baby we lost would have been 7 months old last week, and it seems everywhere I go lately, I see babies that age.  Memories and worries hit me often, and God knew that being a visual person, I needed this reminder of His promise and also a reminder to trust in Him.

TRUST.  Ugh…this is a hard one for me.  I like to be in control; I believe in the American dream, for goodness sakes!  However, I actually have very little control over my life in comparison to God’s control over my life.  The more I think about that statement, the more I realize it is a good thing!  But in the meantime, God keeps telling me to TRUST, even when it’s hard.  TRUST, even when it’s sad.  TRUST, even when it is difficult work.  TRUST, even when you think you cannot continue.  I can still see the rainbow as I look out my window, although it is changing into a lovely pink-purple combination within the medium blue clouds.  As it fades, I remember God’s promises.  The promise of reunion, the promise of life eternal, the promise that God will never leave us, all of the promises that have not been fulfilled yet.  On that day, we will get to stand in God’s presence and see all of the promises come into completion.  I look forward to this day, but until then, I am choosing to TRUST.